Tuesday, January 19, 2010

House Guests of Another Kind

Last night after coming home from the white coat ceremony I gently put Emma to sleep, completed my nightly getting ready for bed ritual, and then crawled into my clean, crisp sheets to get some shut eye myself. I turned on the air conditioner, with my handy remote control, and moments after finally getting comfortable heard a crinkly noise in the room. Just as I lifted my head to find out what it was this massive cockroach came shooting out of my A/C unit and landed on my bed. I immediately jumped up and danced to the living room in my undies. "JEROD, there is a GIANT cockroach on the bed, could you pleeeease come and kill it." I shouted. He rolled his eyes, set his anatomy book down and came to my rescue.
Once this disgusting insect was in his sight he turned to me and said, "Oh, he is pretty big isn't he? The good news for you is that he landed on my side of the bed." Just as he went to remove it I said, "wait...we have to get a picture of this thing." I composed myself long enough to get the camera and with shaky fingers got this shot. Believe me this picture does not do it justice. I didn't dare get any closer, this creature was intimidating and there's Jer to my left whispering,"careful...slow...don't let him jump away...." After assuring that his squished body actually got flushed down the toilet I went back to bed. Only I didn't sleep. I had the creeps big time. I lied awake in the fetal position starring at the air conditioner. Every noise put me on edge and there was no way I was letting Jer turn the A/C on again later. Being hot was a sacrifice I was willing to make because I was sure it would happen again. When Jerod finally came to bed he was laughing that I was still freaked out. I simply stated,"I have not let the tiny red ants crawling on the walls get to me. I have dealt with the long-legged spiders on the corners of the ceiling. I was rational when I awoke to a huge millipede crawling across the living room floor, but I swear if another coakroach comes flying out of our A/C unit and lands on this bed I will not be able to handle it!" The good news, our landlord is having a professional come and fumigate. Apparently they spray about once a year to keep the creepy, crawly things outside where they belong.


The Castro's San Antonio said...

Gross! Gross! Gross! Gross! Gross! I can't blame you for not wanting to go to sleep. How creepy!!

Jerod looks awesome, what a handsome guy. (Like he doesn't already know it!@!?!).

I am so glad that you guys are safe and doing well. All the pictures are so cool to look through.

If there is anybody that can fill callings at church, it would be the two of you.

We wish you the best!!


Stacy, Mike & The Boys!!

Ashley said...

I'm getting mad just looking at the picture of that little monster! I hate them!!

Anjalique said...

You must be made of something not of this earth, Stef, cuz I COULDN'T DO IT! I can do it here with spiders, but I couldn't do roaches. *uncontrollable shiver*