Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Girls Camp!

If someone asked me 1 year ago if I thought I would be Young Womens President and having girls camp in Grenada I would have responded "Now where would you get such a strange idea as that?" Well here I am exhausted, having just completed camp in the Caribbean with 9 giggly girls. We decided to forgo camping in the wilderness due to mosquito's (dengue fever is going around), rainfall, and lack of available priesthood leaders and "camped out" at my house. It was a miracle that we all fit in my apartment. The theme, chosen by a few of the girls, was "Angels of God." We spent our time swimming, hiking, decorating slippers (flip-flops), scripture reading, sharing our testimonies, and discussing the angelic qualities we can develop in our own lives to be more like the Savior. We had a great time and even though it was a lot of work and planning for me, I learned a few things. Like how to plan for camp at all, that heavenly father truly helps us fulfill our callings, that I can mostly understand the girls Grenadian accent now, that if you ask for it others will gladly help you (thanks Ashley, Kensi, and Jerod), and finally that I love these girls to pieces!

Exfoliating in the Sand
Sister Bhola, my new 1st counselor-she is AWESOME!

Jerod teaching the girls about building a campfire on the beach.
We actually made tinfoil dinners on this fire and they turned out!
Decorating "slippers" with the young women value colors
Building Friendships
This must be how the girls really feel about me!

Finishing Camp with a hike and a swim at the Seven Sisters Waterfalls.
It was a small miracle that we all made it there and back,
I was really proud of the girls!


Wendy said...

Those girls are beautiful!
And of course you're a fabulous YW president. It's in your blood. I remember your mom when she was president when you were tiny and all the fun things she'd do. I wanted to be just like her when I grew up! Now I just want to be a young woman and let someone else plan all the activities and lessons!
Your post was so cute! What a fun camp.

Matty and Jen-i said...

Wow I can't believe a couple things... that you all fit in your apartment and that you got dinners out of that beach fire! You seriously are awesome!

NatJerWin said...

How fun!!! Those girls look cute! Wish I was there to help you out and to experience it all.

Anjalique said...

Gorgeous group of girls! (And leaders!) Good job, Stef. I'm sure it was a lot of hard (and fun) work. :)