Friday, May 7, 2010

Noisy Neighbors, Barking Dogs, and Sleepless nights!

Neighbors, can't live with em' ...can't live without em'. I believe this statement has been reserved for men but for the sake of today's post I'll borrow it. Before I go any further I must make it perfectly clear that my landlords are incredibly nice people. They are always helpful, kind, and they keep to themselves. The only problem is that they live above us and I honestly don't know how they function day to day. I hear their TV on until midnight or later and then they are up again at 5:30 getting ready! I don't think for a second that they are loud on purpose. It's just the way the house is built, they could drop a pin upstairs and it would sound like it happened in our bedroom. Thus every opened door, closed dresser drawer, high-healed footstep, and squeaky facuet is heard. I am used to this. Jerod, who obviously is gone a lot, still is jumpy about it. Every time there is a strange noise upstairs he walks to the other room, "what happened?" I then sleepily assure him it was just something upstairs. Now this if all fine and good except that I have failed to mention their six yappy dogs who think they own the neighborhood. They are outside dogs, free to roam about. It is so hot during the day that they spend most of their time laying underneath my car or on the porch upstairs, but at night they come alive. Sometimes they bark until three in the morning and I swear they are standing right outside our bedroom window. Last night Jer swore he was going to ask my sister Jen (who is coming to visit next month-yay!) to bring us an airsoft gun. My response, "I'm pretty sure that falls under animal cruelty." What I didn't say was what I happened to be thinking, "maybe I can accidently run them over one day when they're asleep under my car." Okay, all kidding aside, I would feel more than terrible if this actually happened but sleep deprivation has caused me to think this way at 4am. I long to move but so far we have not found anything with the same price tag and amenities as we have here, and by amenities I mean air-conditioning in every room. Looks like we are in for another term of noisy neighbors, barking dogs, and sleepless nights! Oh, and Kensi... I love you dear but this still is not enough for us to want to move to the Flats!!

P.S. Emma's new favorite question is now "What Happened?"
P.P.S. The dog posted above is Emma's favorite, she really is sweet but at 3am..well you know what I'm thinking!


Zane and Lexi said...

oh come on now... the Flats are wonderful! We have loved it here. and I even heard a rumor that B&A are thinking of moving to our place - it could be one big mormon compound :)

Wendy said...

Oh Steph! I had loud barking dogs. We had a neighbor dog that James threatened to poison-but never did.He did go out one morning at 2 am and yell SHUT UP!! The neighbors lights came on but nothing else was done. (You would think the dogs would keep them up too? Right?)
Oh, good luck. I hate sleep deprivation!

Wendy said...

Um. That should read I HATE loud barking dogs. I personally have never HAD one or would!

Ashley said...

Stef - we're SERIOUSLY considering moving to the flats, but we want you guys to go with us. We don't have to live right next door and listen to each other yell at our husbands for not taking out the garbage :) Let me know what you guys think.

Reece said...

You know it would be fun to be neighbors!! Sorry you guys are losing sleep!!

Richards Fam said...

Oh you guys really are tempting us to move to the flats! HaHa, atleast I will promise to give it some more thought!

Matty and Jen-i said...

What the heck.. are you trying to deter me from coming? hahaha Okay, I'm bringing an airsoft gun. I love how you are thinking out loud about driving over the dog while he's resting under your car. Anyway... I'm so sorry I haven't skyped you this week. Everytime I get time.. I feel guilty because it's 9p here and I feel like it's too late to call. I promise I will call you tonight afterwork. Love ya!

Richards Fam said...

Yes Jenny, Call me... I am so excited to talk about your trip, even if I just made it sound like The Richards hotel is a terrible place to stay, at any rate we will still have loads of fun. Oh and as you can see, you can call late..I'm up!

grandma gooch said...

Not so easy to sleep with that when you are sloeep deprived to begin with! Love looking at the pictures.....when this is all over you should write a book...seriously!