Yesterday morning before church we had a few minutes for a quick photo shoot. Emma looked so cute in her sailor dress from Grandma Susan we had to make time for a few pictures! The cuteness however did not last long. Though she looks sweet and innocent in the pictures, she was a naughty girl yesterday at nap time. This week she has discovered that she can climb in and out of her big girl bed all by herself. During nap time I have to remove all toys from her room or she plays instead of sleeps. After church I did just that, removed her toys and then laid her in bed. Jer and I decided we'd take a nap too, while we had the chance. Shortly after falling asleep I was abruptly awakened by a loud knock, knock, knock. It was Emma knocking on her door yelling, "Mommy, Dadda." I opened the door to find that disaster had struck. Since she had no toys she decided to scoot her mini chair over to a shelf to reach things that aren't supposed to be touched without help. She had wipes, torn book pages, hair clips, diaper cream, nail clippers, hundreds of hair elastics, and many other miscellaneous items scattered all over her room. I was shocked that I didn't even hear her making such a mess. I thought she was sleeping soundly! All I could say was "Oh Emma" over and over again. Needless to say we will now be removing the chair during nap time as well. We're in real trouble when she figures out how to open the closet!
Ok. We need to schedule a photo shoot with that little sailor asap!!! Let me know when you're available. I'm not kidding... :)
I just found your blog. The pictures are too cute!!!
Man alive Steph!! She looks just like you in that last picture! I should know-I knew you at that age!!
OMgoodness! Look at how cute she looks with that smile! She is growing up way too fast!
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