Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cupcakes for Breakfast

Last night some friends came by to help Jerod give Emma, who has been ill, a blessing and with them came cupcakes. Emma gleefully ate the frosting off of one and begged for another. I told her she could have more tomorrow. Well it's tomorrow and those cupcakes must have been on her mind all night. First thing this morning, right after crawling out of bed, she walked over to the kitchen counter and pointed, "tup take, tup take." I gave in to her request and let her eat cupcakes for breakfast! I couldn't resist taking this picture of her messy cupcake face. "Dank do Atee!" (translation-thank you Ashley)


Blair said...

Oh I just love that little messy face! You're welcome. Hope Emma's feeling better today.

Blair said...

oops. that was ashley :)

Matty and Jen-i said...

Haha. Now I don't feel so bad about giving Sam all that cookie dough and sugar cookies. Man, I'm a terrible baker. My cookies look like crap for Sam's Valentines party. GREAT!

Lauren and Chase said...

Cupcakes for breakfast are my favorite! Almost as much as cold pizza and pumpkin pie :)

Glad Emma is feeling better!! It was great seeing you today! We've missed hanging at the pool!